Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience in European SMEs through Technology: Insights from ALICE-ETP General Assembly

Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience in European SMEs through Technology: Insights from ALICE-ETP General Assembly

Image source: White paper AI in logistics, ALICE PLATFORM

The ALICE-ETP (Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe – European Technology Platform) convened its General Assembly on July 2-3, 2024. As a founding member and active collaborator of this European Technology Platform in Logistics, the Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) participated in the two-day meeting. The gathering focused on intriguing discussions related to leveraging advanced technologies, upon which RISE-SME can build to enhance the supply chain resilience of European Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

During the assembly, ALICE presented its recently launched white paper titled “AI in Logistics.” The discussion revolved around compelling application examples that underscore the critical role of artificial intelligence (AI) in driving growth and competitiveness across European industries, including SMEs.

Additionally, a newly produced discussion paper on “Logistics Data Exchange” was introduced. Recognizing that logistics operations involve a significant proportion of small and very small players (SMEs), the paper emphasized the importance of data exchange for real-life deployment of advanced technologies. However, a challenge arises: while large corporations often develop dominant platforms and systems, SMEs struggle to engage in digital coordination due to cost and complexity.

RISE-SME will look into those challenges and will seize future insights stemming from ALICE, in the framework of its liaison program.

Contact point:

Alba Morollón, Project Manager | Email: alba@f6s.com
Maria Monteiro, Communications Manager | Email: mariafm@f6s.com
Carolina Cipres, Project Coordinator | Email: ccipres@zlc.edu.es


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